


The Bong Paoun Project, founded by Timothee Paton, merged with Flame Ministries’ Leadership Academy in 2016. The  center based model is still fully in play, and Flame continues to inspire children from poor communities to move from begging or recycling into education, or for those who have left school, back into school, with academic support to help them succeed in their studies.

These Academies provide an environment where teens can continue on the positive trajectory, to grow into leaders who serve back into the communities they came from. For some it is a university pathway, for others it’s vocational training. Either way, it’s a vital time as they launch into adulthood.

Flame is now able to support and care for children from the beginning of school until they launch into the workforce. Case management teams walk alongside the families all the way, helping them adjust and thrive as the children grow to their full potential.


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