Writer's Toolbox Community

Writer's Toolbox Community


Writer's Toolbox schools have access to comprehensive support from our technical staff, administration team, and Writer's Toolbox Writing Coaches. Each Writer's Toolbox Writing Coach is an experienced classroom teacher who has successfully incorporated the Hunter Writing System into their teaching practice. 

Welcome Writer's Toolbox Family


Writer's Toolbox Facebook Community Group

The Writer's Toolbox Online Community has everything from product giveaways to handy writing tips straight from Dr Hunter. Writer's Toolbox Community is hosted by the Writer's Toolbox Team. This group provides an opportunity for the Writer's Toolbox community to share strategies, ideas, and collaborate with other teachers using the Writer's Toolbox . All members of the Writer's Toolbox community are welcome to join. 

Writer's Toolbox Mailing List

The Writer's Toolbox mailing list keeps the Writer's Toolbox network up to date with everything going on at Writer's Toolbox HQ. From conferences, to new products, to first-in-the-world previews—this is the central communication point with the Writer's Toolbox family. 

Writer's Toolbox Writing Coaches

Writer's Toolbox Coaches run regular writing workshops throughout the country allowing for inter-school collaboration, participation, and dialogue. Writer's Toolbox produces classroom resources that complement improving writing outcomes.

IT Support

Writer's Toolbox IT Support staff provide professional and timely support with any queries and issues regarding your Writer's Toolbox account. Our support team is dedicated to making Writer's Toolbox beneficial to your classroom.








FAQs & Technical help

Weekly updates and blog

School Liaison and support

Staff Development

Product training

Complementary Resources

Community of Learners