

Writing Conference Banners 14 Oct RRR 56


Come lift your writing game with Writer’s Toolbox founder Dr Ian Hunter and our expert writing coaches.  Leave armed with the power to really teach writing in a way that your students just get. Plus, have fun—and delicious pastries—while doing it.


Key Topics 

  • Experience the impact of five unique sentence styles, each of which will change the flavour of your students’ writing and increase their fluency.
  • Explore a common-language approach to writing—no grammar jargon here—and learn effective writing techniques you can immediately deploy in the classroom.
  • Get research and evidence-based insights to boost your writing confidence. 
  • Try for yourself—teach meaningful writing with the power of the Writer’s Toolbox online tool and Sentence Train.
  • Discover a range of paragraph structures that allow your students to convey those critical, deep-thought processes—none of that PEEL nonsense here.
  • See how a whole-school approach to improving student writing —across all subjects and year levels—will increase student achievement rates.


“I honestly think what we learnt at this conference will revolutionise teaching in this country.”

Glyn Roberts, Secondary Curriculum Leader, Investigator College



  • 2023
  • Australasian Literacy Summit

    Aus Literacy Summit Socials Come along to the inaugural Australasian Literacy Summit with international guest speakers. Two-days of thought-provoking discussions and insights on literacy from leading experts. Get valuable insights into the state of writing across Australasia from t