Australasian Literacy Summit

Australasian Literacy Summit

Aus Literacy Summit Socials3


Come along to the inaugural Australasian Literacy Summit with international guest speakers. Two-days of thought-provoking discussions and insights on literacy from leading experts.  Get valuable insights into the state of writing across Australasia from the experts who have researched and tested your students for over a decade.  Let's tackle the literacy problem together—one child at a time.


In Australia and in New Zealand, writing has seemingly become the poor cousin in the literacy triangle. In Australia, declining writing results in nationwide NAPLAN testing have proved hard to budge. The reasons behind this are as varied as the suggested remedies. Calls have been made for more explicit teaching of writing, tailoring teaching to individual student needs, and to improve teacher capability to teach writing. In New Zealand, a planned literacy standard for Year 10 students in 2024—a new pass/fail initiative for being awarded NCEA—has seen two thirds of students failing consecutive trials. Concerned educators and principals have called for the whole sector to address the problem—not just English teachers. But what is the solution?

The Australasian Literacy Summit is an opportunity to hear from leading researchers, commentators, and teacher practitioners in this field. It’s an opportunity—for the sake of our schools and our students—to build strategies and interventions based on best-practice and research evidence, instead of hunches. To return to our schools—better informed—and with a real game plan: a tangible solution. We hope you can join us.


Keynote Address | Professor Richard Andrews (University of Edinburgh) | Research in learning to write: how far have we come?

Gala Dinner | 3-course meal incl. drinks on Monday 18 September.  $100 excl. GST per attendee. Hosted at St Paul's Collegiate.

Dinner Keynote |  Professor Richard Andrews | What really works for young people in learning to write?

 Guest Speakers & workshops | Professor Richard Andrews, Dr Rae Si'ilata, Professor Judy Parr, and Dr Ian Hunter. More speakers to be announced shortly.

Key Topics

    • Build effective teacher capability
    • Research-led strategies that work
    • Practical classroom interventions
    • Rediscover the rules of composition
    • Digital literacy and ICT writing applications